The exhibition is curated by designer Ole Jensen and me.
Opening 7. November at 5 pm.
The themed exhibition CONTENT presents a curated and diverse selection of 25 vessels created by Danish ceramicists over the recent decades. Together, the 25 objects explore the full spectrum of ceramics, from the most basic everyday functions to existential questions. In the 25 texts in the accompanying catalogue, we gaze into the vessels to see what sort of content they might hold.
What we found: everything from ashes to concept, from shit to materialized poetry, sometimes within one and the same vessel! We found beauty, design philosophy, humour and social satire, conceptual and narrative CONTENT.
In ceramics, the vessel is both a convention and a mainstay: a type with a rich history that defines the field. We selected some of the vessels that have made the biggest impression on us, because they offer an interesting take on the vessel as type. They are objects that continue to haunt us and which are therefore well worth revisiting! The result is a collection of ceramic pieces that evade definition as they morph in and out of different genres. Are we looking at a sculpture, a utilitarian object, a materialized idea, a pure experiment? For the objects on display, the answer is never either-or. They defy categorization, they are both-and – and that is part of their impact and allure.
The catalogue received support from the private foundation Grosserer L. F. Foghts Fond.
7 November – 14 December 2024
Anne Tophøj, Bente Hansen, Bente Skjøttgaard, Bodil Manz, Christin Johansson, Christina Schou Christensen, Claydies, Flemming Tvede Hansen, GitteJungersen, Hans Vangsø, Hilda Piazzolla & Alma Bangsgaard, Jørgen Hansen, Karen Bennicke, Kristine Tillge Lund, Lone Skov Madsen, Martin Bodilsen Kaldahl, Mette Marie Ørsted, Michael Geertsen, Morten Løbner Espersen, Ole Jensen, Peder Rasmussen, Petra Dalström, Sisse Lee, Turi Heisselberg Pedersen, Ursula Munch-Petersen
Opening event on Thursday, 7 November 2024 from 16.00 to 19.00
(Free catalogue on the opening day)
Anders Kolt Rasmussen, art historian and curator at CLAY Museum of Ceramic Art Denmark, will give the opening speech at 17.00.
NB On Saturday, 30 November, at 13.30, the exhibition curators, ceramic artist Gitte Jungersen and designer Ole Jensen, will give a talk about the concept of the exhibition and the featured objects.
Peach Corner
Howitzvej 67A
2000 Frederiksberg